I seriously just took 10 mins to post my story on the other world where on the faster better one it took like a minute! (By the way.. Please go read and reveiw on my stories! No one's comenting and it's making me feel bad T.T)
So today I had an interveiw at McDonnalds and epicly failed -.-' They graded you on like a color point system on which I got half of them yellow and the other half green... At least there was no red! DX Wanna hear something bad? My younger sis got all green! frickin perfect little... yeah DX
I also got to meet up with my Floridan friend. She moved down there last year because they have more advanced programs than my crappy school. She's up here till the 16th so we hug out today at the mall. With my little sis tagging along but luckly she left us alone and wandered off by herself.
Now that I have nothing else planned for the week I get to focus on cleaning for that party on Saturday DX I hate cleaning... Which is why I'm procrastinating. We were actually supost to clean after my mom left for work today but that 2 hour time lap where both parents were gone was way to tempting XD So I'm gonna start cleaning after I finish this.
Well actually After I finish my nails... I sharpied them blue out of boredom but I kinda like it so I gotta find clear nail polish XD So I'm gonna go off to find that then clean... Bai Bai :D