
Does anyone know how to post chapters on story posts? Cause I wanna post one of my chapter stories so people can understand why my other world is called Love and Death... all you've seen is the love part XD

I'm updating a little early cause this is probably the only time I can use the fast computer. I'm sneaking it <.< >.> Shhhhh! Don't tell! I can easily sneak on the computer in my room even when everyone's home but why would I want to? It's soooo slow! Where this one is fast :3

Today I basicly spent the whole day cleaning and sneaking on my ipod XD But I did get some amazing news! Has anyone heard of Tatsuno, Japan? Is it a good place? Pretty? Easy to get around town? I need to know!!!

I also need anime suggestions... I finished Monochrome Factor a few days ago and need another to keep me occupied until I can fall asleep XD Any suggestions? It has to be on youtube though because I can't access any other site on my ipod.

I'm off to enjoy my free time before Dad gets here... Maybe I'll head to TinierMe. Hmmm...
