Location, location, location

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A word came to mind at that moment. It was a word I’d never heard before and knew for certain that it never existed before this moment. Weeaboo. I can never really define this word but the girl standing there as though she’d always belonged was most definitely a Weeaboo.

The minute she saw me she was all over me. Asking me where I was from, what I was doing there, and if I’d be her friend. She then gave me a sack of clothes and having heard that I was looking for a house, a bag of gold. Lots of gold. It was more than enough to get that house. And when I get settled I should so invite her and stuff. We could be totally BFFs and like, OMG, give each other makeovers and... Weeaboo.

I thanked her and told her I’d definitely invite her and stuff but I had to get going and stuff. She was cool and told me not to go into the basement. I’m not good at following requests so I went to the basement.
There were more crates and barrels, some food and old metal works, but no jewels or money. But there was a hole in the wall.

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I tried to open the door but it had no lock to pick and it felt really warm. And then it whispered to me. I don’t know what it said, though, because I was running like the girl I am out the houses door.
Don’t go into the basement she said. You won’t like it, she said. Damn me and my rebelness.

So, now that I was thoroughly creeped out, I went and paid for my house and called it a day. I tell ya, the world went mad while I was in prison.

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