Red Dawn

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Speak of the devil.

So, yeah... I found one of the guards locked in a cage, naked. Why does this always happen to me. My first week out of prison gave me a naked man. Then there was the highway man feeling the need to not wear anything under his armor. Then there was that old geezer that bathed in a lake that I had to kill. Why must I be subjected to such horrors?

Anyway, he was all about the mission to close the gate and sent me on my was with direction other than to use a key that the demon guard I killed had. I left his butt to die since I really have no need for naked human males and continued my climb up the tower.

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That's not a skylight, it's skin and muscle.

The closer I got to the top the more variety of demons I came in contact with. One was even wearing armor similar to one of the sets I have stored back home. I had gotten it off an Orc midget. I also found that the demons liked to use human insides for their decorations. If this is the hell that bad people go to, then I sure as heck hope that Sithis and the Night Mother will keep me out.

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Orb envy.

So after what felt like hours I reached to top of the fire pillar and found the orb that I hoped was the key to my getting out of here. I grabbed the thing and the world around me went all drunk and wobbly. At least that's what I figured drunk and wobbly was like. And then everything went dark.

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Wow, still raining. I'm so surprised.

The red sky was gone and the night was still around so I wasn't in there that long. Who would have thought? Now the problem lies with getting into the destroyed city and finding the dude who is so not worth this much effort. Even if he has some connection to the former emperor.

To Be Continued...