Hell in a hand basket


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Can I get a "Duh!"

So, after the village of the damned mission I got some very mundane ones. First was the farmer who lived like a recluse, then there was the beggar and then the family man. Yes I was paid, and yes I killed them regardless of my doubts about the reason they could have someone who'd want them dead. I was doing my job and a damn goo one at that. So when LL just came out of nowhere and interrupted the latest job I thought he'd given me, I was more angry than surprised. But he couldn't see that since I was invisible.

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And this means what now?

It made since, sorta. The people I'd been killing after the village of the damned were all members of the Black Hand, our order's ruling counsel. If that is not a betrayal I don't know what is. My mission, should I accept it (as if I actually have choice), is to find and deal with the traitor. Find proof of his deeds and get them to the remaining Black Hand members before they find and eliminate LL.

I started with staking out the next drop. Found a beggar and grilled him before killing him. I was then directed to a light house. When you have people trying to kill you, you can move really fast. I don't think Sparkle could have galloped that fast.

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Like what he's done with the place.

Well, the guy is sick. That much was evident. I looked around but didn't find much in the way of exonerating evidence. So I grabbed what papers were lying around and a few of the more, how shall I put it, incriminating reading material that was all about the birth of the Blessed Night Mother. I had little time to sort and I could feel the closing hand around our collective throat.