Deja Wha?

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Why me?!

Next on the menu is a rivalry between a guild master and a freelancer. They both want the same thing and both for, brace yourself, different reasons. They both feel they are entitled to the item and that their way is the best way.

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She can believe what she wants.

I'm not much a fan of lightening spells, but I could make an exception. I love that people really underestimate my skills. Whether it is my age, race or just my cuteness, I don't really know, but it is a useful thing.

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After a little back and forth with the woman I had to make a half day trek to a remote mountain region where some alter was. Once I got there it took a bit of searching for the book.

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The book was unharmed at least. I took some time to read the thing and found why the guy was dead. There was a ritual that involved a soul gem, some nightshade and, again brace yourself, a lightening spell. I had all the necessary things and knew I could do it right. Once nightfall came I set about doing what was, as it turns out, an easy ritual. The idiot felt that wearing a big, long, metal object was the right way to go when he preformed the ritual. I am speechless at such stupidity.

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What he doesn't know won't kill him.

I so hope that once I'm inn the academy things will be better. I think I will take some time to set up my new home in Anvil. I came across a young girl that was looking for work while I was at the Anvil guild branch and she was willing to help get the house in some semblance of order. I hope she doesn't have a problem with the crypt cause I kinda failed to mention it in the interview.

To Be Continued...