Eternal Mumble

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I think I'm lost.

I had to dismiss the guide cause I was on the verge of strangling him. Probably a bad idea since I seem to have a bad sense of direction when I'm underground. It's only made harder since all these place look so much the same and the rooms have no variety in decor as well.

There were other groups than the one I met near the entrance but I kept my distance and they theirs. I didn't want another "guide".

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Wasn't me, honest.

It was a while before I stumbled across a dead body clutching an amulet. It just felt too easy. Like the guy was there as a lure for someone like me. I should really...

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There we go.

Ugly guy and bad breath. I mean really bad breath. That guy must be rotting on the inside to smell that bad. Also, why is it that people like to announce themselves before they kill you. Saying stupid threats and giving ultimatums and stuff. He had time to sneak in and take me out with a bow or magic. Well, not actually take me out, but at least try to.

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Lackey was no help.

You'd think that he'd see my sword and think, "Maybe I shouldn't do this." Or something like that. But, no. The idiot first tried to sick a lackey on me and when that failed went all waily with his knife and missed me by a mile. I miss the days that I had a respectable foe. Maybe I should crawl some more ruins when I finish this ladder climbing.

On the way out I gave in and asked for directions. It turned out I was closer to an exit than I thought. I really hate these places. Midnight was sleeping when I found her and slowly roused herself as I approached. The sun was setting when I dropped her off at the stables. It was a long day so I paid a bit more for the stable hand to give Midnight a good brushing.

The hag was sitting in the same dark corner where I left her. She was quite happy to get the amulet back and felt that she should go creepy mode one more time, just for me.

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I don't know whether to be scared or intrigued. But, my intuition tells me it doesn't bode well for my future happiness.

To Be Continued...