Communication Breakdown

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Upgrading complete.

With the new title of... I wasn't actually listening so I don't know it. The guy tends to drone on and on so I kinda tuned him out at some point. But I got the gist of it. I have to go retrieve some sacred wood to make my staff (all mages have one. It's in this hidden grove that supposedly only guild members can get to. What is with guilds thinking things like that. I mean, any skilled thief or assassin can get into anywhere.

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Case in point.

I have nothing against necromancy in general, but the people I keep on meeting who practice it are always jerks. I get that I'm a child, that I'm short for my age and that to the world around me I seem like the smallest threat possible, but I still wish that one day someone would actually see me and fear me.

Needless to say, I made short work of the evildoers and scavenged all the dead bodies, to include those of the killed guild members. The wood I was here for was in some alter thingy and glowing. I wonder if I can take this as a sign of more death to come.

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It's so secret.

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It seems to be my fate.

After checking in with... Damn, I forgot his name. I really should have listened better. I'll call him Rufus. He looks like a Rufus. Just don't tell him that.

Anyway, Rufus directed me to some other guy to get my staff made to my specifications. Surprise, surprise I choose fire and destructive spells as my "major" in the University. The staff guy told me I had to wait a few hours so I just wondered the grounds all tourist like to kill time.

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This is a triumph. I'm making a note here, "Huge success".

My staff wasn't anything special but I didn't expect it to be. I also felt it was time to use the newest outfit Niina gave me.

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Lookin' good.

I'll rest up for today and see about what I need to do for a promotion later. I'm going to make the cutest mage ever, of all time.

To Be Continued...