Bring Your Daughter... to the Slaughter

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After, and I mean like right after, like the guy was just waiting for us to finish, the Count showed up and was a dick. Vinny was a decent guy, so not a dick. So why does the only other vampire I know have to be one? He gave Niina a quick inquisitive glace before returning to being a dick to me.

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Will do, dickbutt.

On the way back to the University, Niina took Sparkle's reigns while I nursed my growing headache. She's given me some bitter mulchy medicine swearing that it would clear the pain. It did in the end, it just took longer that I hoped it would.

Since Niina wasn't a Guild member She had to wait with Sparkle while I gave my report.

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I'm beginning to not believe his apologies.

I was given an immediate promotion and a decent gold compensation though. But I was done for the day and could no longer draw any motivation to ask about the next task so Niina and I just rented a room at a nice inn in the market district and called it a day. I'm so no cut out for politics.

To Be Continued...