I am currently working on something that is a bit off the norm for my writing. The general gist is it is an interpretation more than an original tale. It's a short piece, a few chapters, so to speak. When I submit it I'll give a better explanation of the piece. While I am by no means a fast writer, I like to think that it's because I put a lot of care into what I write.
Also, kudos goes to my roommate for letting me borrow her laptop to work on this newer project.
Some of you may already know, some don't, that I am attempting to write an actual novel length story. Using THIS as my template, I am writing all that has happened before it. The world is vivid in my mind and waiting to be traveled through. It will be written all from a first person, past tense view.
I freakin love German pastries.
Gravity is a force of attraction.