Long ago...

It's been so busy lately. Because of my mad admin skillz, I've been tasked to write a new SOP for parts of the hospital. So I've been going over the old one to see what should stay and what needs to go. 8 years human resources experience and everyone thinks that I can set things right in an office. There are days I wish I was back on the battle field, at least there I can fire back.XD

*Nudges A-ko away from face*
It would appear that she likes to bother people who write blogs. Like right now. So having to delete random letters that she types.

Anyway, I've been talking to a friend back in the states and he tells me that there are fewer tech jobs than when I left. I was so hoping that I could use my skillz in the civilian hospital scene and earn mucho dollars. But, momentai. Things will work out.

As of late, I've been listening to Akiko Shikata. I was first introduced to her through the game Ar Tonelico. She has not only an amazing voice but a vast capability with it. The video is her song Replicare and most, if not all, the other voices in the song are hers. It is a dark but beautiful song

I also recommend checking out her rendition of Ave Maria for some goddess like beauty.

Like, so, OMG, it's so, like, really cool and all.
