
Two things.
One, The hospital computers now block TheO, so that makes it quite hard to get on. I'll check when I can, PM if ya like to have some broken chat. If ya know my email, or want to email me, MyO page should have it. Granted that is the best way to reach me.

Two, Winter is a bitch out here. Goinmg into town for some wireless is a pain at the moment and the wireless here on base is something to be dreaded.

I've noticed that most of my time, free or otherwise, is taken up by work and hanging with A-ko. Don't get me wrong, I find all of ya loveable, but for the time I will be less frequent on here.
I've been around since before theO started, I should so be above an Otakuite++, but since I've been so inactive most of that time... What can a girl do?

Food, fun, friends and sun. A cat's dream for you all.
