To relate

Okay, so just to bring y'all up to speed.

I fly back to the states at the end of next week. The one thing I can be sure of is that since I've been working nights for the last few months, I won't have much of a problem with the hour change. Am I ready? Yeah.
Do I want to? A bit yes, a bit no.
The big thing is that I'll be separated from A-ko. Granted I know where she'll be livin' back in the states, but ya spend so much time with someone that you are hella close to... She may be the reason I get myself Skype and whatnot.

Now for the funny:

B-ko, my other roommate and the gal that'll be taking over the place when A-ko and I leave, works days so I don't see her often.

As a sort of end of deployment/schooling I decided toget my hair cut. Now, I've always gone with a short cut, the whole no real fuss style. But this time around I went hella short (around dyke short) just for kicks.

It was around 7 in the morning, I was getting off shift and was about to go to breakfast when B-ko, bless her sweet heart, passed by. She went through the whole double take, moving on to the gasp of epicness, to the blank stare. The first words out of her mouth were a slightly stammered, "What happened to your hair?!" Her voice was a pitch higher than usual and I'm sure that her brain was working in overdrive to figure out what I was thinking.

Me, being, well, Me decided to run with it. So I answered with the first thing that came to mind (in my best southern gal voice), "It ran away. Woke up this afternoon and it was gone. Figured it ran away. At first I was worried but then I firgured 'what the hell' and haven't cared since."

I was saying all this with the straightest of faces. My hand gestures perfectly matched my words. I was serious. Until one of the near by nurses busted out laughing. And with a glint in his eye he looked at B-ko and said, "Here's yer sign."

Good night y'all

