Black magic woman

I think I ate too much this year. Even after the holiday, the leftovers were so damn good. I had a whole sweet potato pie to myself.

Anyway, I've always found this time of year interesting. Essentially you go from planning one holiday right into planning another. From the food to the decorations to the plethora of Christmas music remixes. It can seem a bit absurd. Then there's the shopping. I thank the gods of technology for giving us online shopping cause, I used to work retail and that was hard enough. I can never see myself as part of the mobs that occupy the shopping centers now. To each their own, as is always said.

Next up is the 21st of Dec, the supposed end of the world. Now I'm planning for that. I've got a 24 pack of good beer stashed away, I've got my lawn chair and my big, picnic table umbrella. I've god a cool pair of sunglasses and a sturdy metal bat. And I've got an escape route should the zombie horde start to close in.

Are you prepared?

