So tired

Nana is hailing from her nearest Starbucks at a healthy 0730 in the morning. She's been up a healthy 24hrs as well. Why you all ask? Because, that's why.

She just posted up a new/old story Aftermath.
It's one of her first shorts she ever wrote in first person.

Spring break is coming soon and Nana is waiting for the break. She needs the gaming time. Between Killer7, Devil May Cry 2, and Okami, she's got games to finish. She blames Persona 3 and FFXII and Jade Empire for not finishing those games earlier.

Speaking of coffee, Nana finds that it's not so much the caffeine that has her drinking coffee, it's the taste. Nana loves the taste of coffee. She started drinking coffee back in grade school, so this must be a genetic trait since everyone in Nana's family drinks coffee regularly. Nana's sister also started in grade school. Now Nana thinks her little sister drinks more than her.
Here in the states, coffee is just coffee, but when Nana was in Italy, coffee was more. It was a drink of socialization. People would go to the nearest bar (a bar in Italy is basically a cafe, not to be confused with an American bar) and just talk over an espresso or latte. In the past, America was similar in this, but as time went by people wanted to move faster and talk less. It's a shame really. When Nana was in Italy, she visited many places that aren't tourist spots. Yet, in these places the people were quite friendly. They treated Nana to coffee, a lunch, some wine. Not to mention the country scenery was to die for. But what really endeared these people to Nana was the friendly coffee, the broken English conversations, the pats on the back when she so botched her the Italian they were teaching her.
It's a shame that us Americans lost our "coffee." Someday we may regain it, but that day seems so far off.


Nana misses those people.

If I ever leave this world alive
by Flogging Molly

If I ever leave this world alive
I'll thank for all the things you did in my life
If I ever leave this world alive
I'll come back down and sit beside your
feet tonight
Wherever I am you'll always be
More than just a memory
If I ever leave this world alive

If I ever leave this world alive
I'll take on all the sadness
That I left behind
If I ever leave this world alive
The madness that you feel will soon subside
So in a word don't shed a tear
I'll be here when it all gets weird
If I ever leave this world alive

So when in doubt just call my name
Just before you go insane
If I ever leave this world
Hey I may never leave this world
But if I ever leave this world alive

She says I'm okay; I'm alright,
Though you have gone from my life
You said that it would,
Now everything should be all right

She says I'm okay; I'm alright,
Though you have gone from my life
You said that it would,
Now everything should be all right
Yeah should be alright
