Please read....

Currently I am having some issues in my real life and will be less likely to post for a while. I just wanted to let you all know. However I will post the wallpapers that I have promised and the gifts for my contest as soon as I possibly can. I am currently working on the prizes for my contest and the wallpapers for Hinamori-san and the Head-Captain.

By The Way... Happy Easter. [Pics]

Here are some pics for Easter... enjoy.

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Oh and here's one that has nothing to do with Easter because I found it amusing...

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If you'd like to enter my challenge there is still time. I really want to see how you guys would do. ^.^

Maa!!! Happy Birthday Jinta-san!!!

It seems I do not manage my time very well anymore. For this I am truly sorry. But it is a happy occasion today for it is none other than Jinta-san's birthday!!! So to commemorate this occasion I have gathered some various pictures for Jinta-san... it is last minute v_v I am sorry I cannot do better under the circumstances.

The Expression Twins?
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Either they are good at mimickery or something bad happened....

Say What?
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I believe this one is self explainitory.

I'm Going To Get You!!
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Michevious little devil aren't you?

Shoot It Ururu!!!
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You are bossy...

Well that's all for now... maybe I shall add Jinta-san to my edits list.

Happy Birthday Again Jinta-san!!!!


An SSLN New Year?

Well I've had nothing to do lately so I decided to do something fun... and here is the result...

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And the even more edited version because I wanted to experiment with my photobucket:
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So here's something for SSLN.


Sorry, I just realized that I messed up the spelling on the pictures. -.-