Okay well I'll be going to New York on... Thursday? I believe. The funeral is on th 20th.. Then I'll be traveling to Jamaica for his burial. My whole generation is Jamaican so we're going to bury the body in our country. Sigh..
There def isn't any wifi there so... Yeah.
Welp. My grandfather died..
July 13th 2012 Cancer took his life.
I'm taking it pretty hard, but we all saw it coming so... I was a bit prepared.
I'm not sure if told you all that my grandfather was dying from Cancer, but yeah. Part of the reason I wasn't checking up on theO that much from my phone. I was very depressed. At least he isn't in pain anyone and in a better place.
My grandfather was my father figure. He was more than a father than my real father. I loved him very much and he loved both Nell and I oh so much. He gave us a house, supported us financially, and gave us a whole load of love. Every time I made my way up to New York, which was a lot as you all know, I would see my grandfather and spend my time with him. Its going to be hard to deal with not hearing his voice anymore, but I'll.. live. Just for him.
Once again I'm traveling to New York for another wedding.
I'm currently in the airport, sketching.
Mom and the twin are currently getting some food for us to munching on.
I'm just here, thinking to myself. I really do miss posting. Mom hasn't fixed our busted up computer just as yet. Idk why I'm drawing PGR characters if you all won't be able to see them :(
I miss everyone. I hope your summer has been great so far and that your 4th of July was awesome.
Welp, they came back with the food. Feel free to comment. I'm not dead guys. Lol
Well, for the weekend, I'm going up to New York. Once Again.
My grandfather is sick with his third case of Cancer.. and he doesn't have that much time left.. So he would like to see Nell and I.
It's just one bad thing right after the other, ne?
Heh heh, but no worries, I'll keep smiling and checking on PGR and such. I'm the leader after all.
Maybe there's a computer I could use in New York. Eh.
If not, there's always my phone.
~ Nae
Hiya guys! :D
Nae here reporting from my phone!
Well This WHOLE WEEKEND I've been doing musicals back to back to back! My throat is EXHAUSTED! >.<m (YES, I can sing!)
I'm sooooo glad that today was the last day!
I was in the production, "A Year With Frong and Toad" (Ever heard of the children's books? XD) It was for children. Every show we had, everyone loved it! (When I say WE, I meant the whole musical theater class and I)
I'm surprised no one cried.. :(
I might show you guys my OVERLY DRAMATIC make-up. :)
ALSO! In other news, while going to my art supplies and junk, I found many things. I had NO IDEA how much I loved drawing PGR related pictures! Like wow, I lost my inspiration! Glad I got it back from looking at all of my work!
I'm going to can the sketches I've never shown you guys and re-scan the pictures I took with my phone and place them on TheO. I'm so excited for this. Gotta clean my room now! Ja Ne for now!
♥ Nae