Hey guys. It's Nae reporting from school. I was thinking to myself for a while now and I thought about doing my own fan fic on Naomi again. Ya know the inuyasha fan- fiction I started a while ago? The one I stopped at chapter 1? Yeah, that one! Well I was thinking that I wanted to start it again. I have the first chapter saved on my computer (thank god) and I could just post up that chapter and add more (on another world of course). OR I could make a new fan- fiction. A new story (still dealing with inuyasha) with my new inuyasha OC, Hana. I didn't want to type a story about Jiin (another inuyasha OC)because that might be too complicated. So I choose either Naomi or Hana... Naomi's story or Hana's? Can you please help me here guys and gurls? I just don't know what to choose...
My ideas can be troublesome sometimes. I mean I ahve all these ideas but I can never make it come to life on a piece of paper or on the computer. It's quite annoying... HELP ME PLEASE!!! Comment if you have anything!
Thanks a billion!
♥ Nae