A lot to do/ Dismembering myself from clubs

What am you doing: Posting, myspacing, texting, and trying to find a pen pal
Listening to: kie nai hitomi by Rin Kagamine, Len Kagamine, and Miku hastune
Eating: just ate a cookie! =3
Mood: ... kinda tired...

Hello peoplesz and otakus! Nae here. Today was just another do nothing do I guess even though I have a lot to do. I always have a lot to do. It's probably because I'm in a lot of clubs... I might dismember some clubs that I'm in. I mean what's the point of being in the club if I hardly participate? I mean I already have the troubles of running a club that's going down the dumps. What's the point? ... Woah! I'm not sounding like myself! Okay, gomen! Um... Lets see...

Oh that's right! I still need to decide on what story I'm going to start or pick up on. Naomi's or Hana's? If you haven't read the post below then please do! I really need help here people! I don't know what to choose. I need my decision soon. I might create a picture of Hana very soon... if I got the time.

I might take a week to myself and finish all the things I have to do. I mean I have pictures that I drew from my birthday and still never finished them! I'm waaaaaaaaaaaay behind on things. Why am I always too busy? Maybe 'cause I always give myself more work. Gosh, I have to post more stuff on my comic! That's it. I might not like it but I have to dismember myself clubs. T^T I'm going to hate myself for this... But I will have to send every club leader that I have to dismember myself in their club a PM. Don't worry. I'll only send it to a few...

Well that's it! Arigato for reading! ^^
♥ Nae

Oh Yeah! P. S. If I haven't told you, I got a new gf that I have been seeing for 3 weeks now! I'm so happy! She's the best!
