Tammi's File

Name: Tammi Minamoto
Age: 16
Gender: Female
Personality: quiet, shy, a little hyper, tomboyish
Looks: silver hair with red streaks, red eyes occasionally turn silver
Clothes Out Of School: black t-shirt, tan khaki shorts or pants in the winter ^^, red and black sneakers, red ribbon; around her neck
Occupation?: student
Job?: She helps at the Yamanaka's Flower shop
Schedule: 1st-History
2nd-Home Economics
4th-Chemistry with Kabuto and lunch
6th-Language Arts
After School: Summoning Club (Basically learning about summoning animals and it's something you can sign up for)
Anything Else You Can Think Off?: She has a tendency to say random things and very truthful things about people. She has a pet black bear cub called Nani (no she said that when she got the bear and it thought Nani was it's name) She was adopted when she was thirteen and doesn't speak about her parents
