Starting Finally!

"Tammi-chan! Wake up!" I heard someone yell banging on my bedroom door. I opened one of my eyes and looked at my alarm clock. "DAMMIT NARUTO!" I shouted back jumping out of my bed and getting dressed for school. First day of school and I'm gonna be late. How lovely. I grabbed my jacket and my backpack and ran outside right past Naruto. Living next door to the most hyperactive idiot in Konoha has it's advantages, but, it get's annoying.

"Took you long enough, Tammi-chan," Naruto said smirking slightly. I slapped him in the back of the head.

"BAKA! You could of told me when to set my alarm!" I said.

"OW! That hurt!"

"Good. Now come on so we can get to school before Gai-sensei makes us do laps like last year!" And we that we ran to the school, Konoha High. As soon as we skidded to a stop in front of the school, I ran into someone. "OW!" "Gomen!" "Tammi-chan! You Okay?" Naruto asked helping me up. I slapped him in the back of the head again. "Next time warn me before I run into someone, baka!" I said. He held his head, "Enough slapping me!" I turned to see who I pumped into and saw that it was Kyoko.

"Hi Kyoko-chan!" I said happily. She nodded at me, "Hello Tammi." I smiled at her then I walked inside after being pushed by Naruto a few times. I sighed and walked to my locker, happy to be back at Konoha High. "Hey Tammi-chan? What do you have for first period?" I looked over at my blond best friend, "History with Kakashi-sensei." I opened my locker and put my backpack in it. "Tammi!" I heard someone yell. I looked down the hall and saw Kiba running down the hall over to me and Naruto. "Hey Kiba-kun!" I said happily. I looked at my watch and kept in a screech. "Shoot I got to get to class before Kakashi-sensei get's mad at me for being late! I'll see you guys later!" I said running off to History class.

Sorry it took so long guys. I got busy because of school and stuff. You cans can take over now.
