High School?

I stepped onto the curb of the high school. The school was huge. Of course, it had to accommodate for the vast number of students. I sighed and wished I could be back on the road with my parents. But, they had made me come to this school because they said I needed a real education.

Well, there was no sense in me getting down about it. I was going to have to go here no matter how depressed I got, so I plastered a smile on my face and stepped through the steps of the school.

Everyone was in class already, so I didn't get a chance to meet any of the students before class started. I headed for the office, passing by the history room. That girl, the girl in the back row, she looked familiar. At a passing glance, she looked kinda like me.

Shaking my head, I continued down the hall. I was just imagining things. How would that even be possible? I chuckled at my naivety as I opened the door to the office. The secretary handed me my schedule and led me to my first class. It was the history room I had passed by earlier.

The secretary called the teacher into the hall, where he got to meet me face to face. As soon as he saw me, he gasped. I shied back. "What?" I asked. Was there something on my face?

"Sorry, it's nothing," he shook his head as he took my enrollment papers from the secretary. She left the two of us alone in the hall. "So, you are Kasumi Kimura," he read the transcript.

"You are adopted?" he asked.

I nodded, "Yes, but I don't see how that is relevant to-"

"Come on," he cut me off. "It's time for you to meet your classmates."

This teacher was weird. What in the world was his problem? I asked myself as I played with a strand of my hair as he followed me into the classroom. Everyone was staring at me funny as he introduced me. I just stared at the ground. What was everyone's problem?

