His name is William. He is the highest ranked and leader of the revered knights of Asham Castle, so he's been bestowed the name Blade Master and given the mighty Lancing Sword. Blade Master William is the champion of the people in the Kingdom of Asham. Little does he know about his bloodline, but he is a distant relative of Sigfried. A mysterious messenger comes to the Castle bearing an invitation to the Soul Calibur tournament in Blade Master William's name, because of his relation to Sigfried. William has no fear and never shys away from a challenge, so he gets his horse, packs some things along with his powerful Lancing Sword and heads out to the tournament on his trusty steed.
Fighting Moves:
Piercing Lance- He moves away from the opponent, as if retreating, lowers his Lancing Sword and runs into them with such force, it throws the opponent across the battlefield.
Gauntlet Dance- He throws his Lancing Sword into the air as a diversion and quickly rushes the opponent, throwing a flurry of punches that knocks them senseless.
Critical Finisher: Sword of Might- He calls upon the strength of the Blade Masters who came before him to grant him their strength, so he can defeat his opponent with one swift strike from the Blade Masters Lancing Sword.