I'll try to post more of my story tomorrow! I was glad that, even though I hadn't really updated it in a while, some people still followed it. So I'll try and update that tomorrow. Oh, and I'll try and post Luna tomorrow, from Harry Potter, for a contest. I've already begun to work on drawing her, but it's not working so well. (Damn it, why couldn't I have working technology? Do you know how hard it is to hand-draw a realistic Luna Lovegood?)
Oh yeah, and...about how I was being all unhappy yesterday? Yeah, it's mostly better now. Thanks to all who took the time to talk to me when I was so upset and worried. I still haven't heard from my friend at camp, but now that I think about it, that's not unusual. They keep her busy there, especially this year when she's started doing work there. Last year she couldn't write much to me, so she's probably just too busy to write. I was just worried because of the circumstances...anyway, things have improved.
So, tomorrow, more story, Luna...what else? Well, I'll be really busy trying to complete all of my contests, because I'll be going far away soon, and there's no scanner where I'm going, no technology except for a dinosaur of a computer. That's all. Bye!