I know I said I wouldn't be returning until this weekend. But a lot of things have happened and I kinda want to have the support of my friends...if I still have friends after being gone so long and not talking to you guys (I'm sorry!).
First of all, my brother just told me that my neighbor was taken away in an ambulance. This is really scary. I'm praying for him, and his wife too...I'm just shocked. It's been unexpected.
Also, some stuff happened on Friday night. I don't want to go into it in detail, but basically a bunch of my friends and I went out and there was this huge fight. I was trying to placate everyone and settle it, but I just made it worse, everyone was pissed, my best friend blames herself, there was a lot of yelling and uncalled-for things being said. I hate fights. I hate them.
Also, with a few things going on, I've just started to feel...I don't know, unimportant, unloved...I know it's not true but I can't help feeling this way....and all of my friends on theO have been really great and supportive of me, so I came back early because I kinda need you guys now. I guess I feel unloved because all my friends are really more like acquaintances. They've known each other longer than they've known me, so they have a lot of inside jokes and trust each other more...I've started to feel kind of unnecessary. I usually have my best friend, but this year she's taking A.P. classes. and they're giving her a crapload of homework, so she and I barely get to talk...
So, yeah, that's me being all sad and idiotic. Anyways, I'm back.
As for the fanart I was gonna post...homework got in the way, sorry. I'll work on it on the weekend.