Posts posts posts posts posts....

So I'm kind of bombarding theO with posts. I guess it's cause I want to make up for not doing ANYTHING on here for all that time and letting most of my worlds go neglected.

So, my life right now. Well. I kind of still feel like doing a victory dance because I'M GOING TO MY CHOICE COLLEGE!!! I can't believe I got in because my grades aren't really that phenomenal (math and chem pulled down my GPA) but I guess my extracurriculars, community service, and SAT scores got me in. It's nearby in a great city and I'M REALLY EXCITED TO BE DONE WITH THIS HIGH SCHOOL BULLSHIT! And also to get out of my house. I'm getting along with my family a bit better these days, but the truth is that my house is still a rather tense place and I think it's grown a bit too small for all of us. My mom was saying that I should consider living at home and commuting to school to save money, but no. If I have to I'll get a job and contribute towards room and board. I'm not staying home.

I've been feeling a lot better than I was when I was last posting on theO. This year I've had to really try to get myself together. It's been really hard and I'm still not feeling the best, to be honest, but I know what direction I'm heading in and I hope to keep going that way. I try to write every day, get lots and lots of exercise, and eat well. I do the first two well enough, but I kind of give in to temptation a lot on that third one.

Also, I've been playing a lot of minecraft and experimenting with different designs to paint on my toenails. I'm getting pretty good if I do say so myself. In fact, I had the idea of possibly painting designs for other people for a little bit of extra money, because I'm good at it and it's fun.

And that's really it...yeah. Sorry for the post spam, and thanks to those of you who still bother to look at my posts after all my absence...I've been looking at your blogs and I kinda wasn't there for you guys through lots of stuff cause I've been gone...I'M REALLY SORRY!!!
