I am a moron

Houston, we have a problem. A big purple one.

Long story short, when I went to Mexico, I brought along a small backpack so I could carry my gear--money, water bottle, sunscreen, etc--throughout the day. It was a crappy backpack, and two days in, it began to break, so I had to buy a new bag. The one I bought was pretty and purple, but not very high-quality. (It was cheap and I was broke). That day, I noticed that it had rubbed purple dye all over my clothes. My dad told me if I put it in the dryer, that would probably set the color in. Result: our dryer turned purple and my mother is not happy.

One hour, one paper towel roll, and two bottles of Oxi-clean later, the dryer is more or less white again. Now we're running old towels through it to see if it'll stain future loads of laundry.

Conclusion: I'm a moron. A purple one.
