WE OFFICIALLY HAVE ANTS. They're mostly in the living room and my parents' bathroom, but I found a few in my room too. I don't know what they think they are doing in my room, because I do not have food. But I hate them I hate them I hate them. I hate the way they move and just ugh. And I was just laying in my bed here when one crawls ACROSS MY FREAKING ARM. IT TOUCHED MY SKIN. MY SKIN STILL FEELS CRAWLY IT TOUCHED ME.
Lol I must seem like such a wimp sometimes...just a while ago I was complaining about a spider crawling on me. But I mostly don't have a problem with spiders. I don't hate them like I hate ants. But when I'm just trying to be in my bed and something crawly is coming across MY FREAKING ARM possibly about to go INTO MY SHIRT then there is a problem. Ughhh where there are a few there are probably more. I don't even wanna sleep now in case more try to crawl on me. GAH.