Yuki Numbero Dos

Hey there everybody!! Just wanted to share another Wall-E that my sister made!! I think she did a good job!! Hope you guys comment!!
She got the wonderful Yuki image from the Aethereality Gallery!


So...without any further delays...here is Cross Yuki!


Kawaii Couples!!!

It was something I and my sister(yes...she's still helping...thank god!!)made randomly!! I hope you guys comment!! I think its shows a lot of the Anime's famous couples from Vampire Knight to Tsubasa Chronicles to CardCaptor Sakura to Gundam Seed to Fruits Basket....etc!!!

Hope you guys enjoy the kawaii....ness!!!


Vampire Knight Wall!!!

Well... I am proud to say that my 11 year old sister made a Vampire Knight wallpaper!! I am actually surprised because I never knew that she has the talent to make a wall!! I think she did a very good job at making it look as it is and I hope you guys would support her throughout her masterpiecies!!

Also, people that visit this world.... I hope you tell your Otaku friends to also take a look on my world and other creations!! Whatever I submit to the Otaku site will also be in here.... so it is very important for you guys to come and look!! Well.. I guess that's all!! Almost ran out of breath cuz I talked so much!! ( hehehehehe!! :) ) Most importantly.... DON'T FORGET TO COMMENT!! ;)
