Friday, January 1, 2010


I hope everyone had a great year last year and is looking forward to an awesome new year! I know I am!

Anyway, I have only one resolution this year:


If you don't know what it's about, then I suggest you go and check out my portfolio. Go ahead! This link will take you right to it, assuming I set it up correctly...if it doesn't, I blame theOtaku! <--Joke Anyhow, basically, I've started a series of wallpaper calendars for 2010. Seeing as it's the new year, I figured why not? Also, this idea had a little push from xxdarkxravenxx. *gets shoved by xdxrx* ...okay, it had a big push from her. At the moment, the series is doing well, as I've already completed January, February, and March. I'll release them only in the last week of the previous month, with the exception of this month, so sit tight and don't give up hope on me! I'll definitely complete it! I hope...

So, now that I've talked about my resolutions, check that, resolution, I think I'll ask you: What are your resolutions this year? Feel free to tell me through comments! If you feel like it, that is. that seems to be it...what else to talk about...oh right! I recently dicovered how to make a cat! Here!
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What do you think? Comment!

*EDIT* I just realized that theOtaku spaces out the lines, so the cat looks kinda messed...But that's okay! You can still see it, right? RIGHT? RIGHT? If not, then you can always try copying it and pasting it into Word or something... *END EDIT*
