Exam Rants

I just got back my final exams today. Overall, they were pretty good, all in the nineties, but there was one exam that really ticked me off. It was my business exam and I got a 97% on it, but there were a lot of things that were marked unfairly! First of all, the entire semester we did web pages and html stuff, but on the exam, there was ONE question, at most three, that had to do with that! How is that fair?! Next, on one true or false question, my teacher gave me the wrong answer on the exam review, so I answered the question wrong on the exam. But according to the review, it's right! My teacher even gave me the answers himself for that question! I definitely corrected it, and I even remember saying to myself, "Oh, my answer's wrong," but in reality, it was originally correct and I changed it to match the answers on my teacher's copy! The question was exactly the same-I even took it out and checked it-but nooo, my teacher has to be an idiot and not even realise his own mistake! Ugh! I hate teachers like that! He should be responsible and take credit for his own mistakes! Oh, and it's not like I didn't show him. I pointed it out to him politely and like a good student, but he's just like "But it's wrong!" I really wanted to say to him, "Well, of course it's wrong! The point isn't that I got it wrong on the exam, the point is that YOU gave the class the wrong answer!" But, of course, I don't because I don't want to get in trouble and drop my mark even more. And then, to make things worse, my classmates have to go and tell me that I should be happy with a 97! PEOPLE, it's not about the mark I got! It's about me losing marks for idiotic things that I don't deserve to lose marks for! Oh, and I almost forgot, on the summary on the exam, apparently I lost a mark for having writing that's "too small" and a summary that's "too short"! Look, you wanted a hundred word summary! My summary was a hundred and one words! I counted twice! If you wanted a thousand word summary, I could have given you that too, but you stressed that it had to be a hundred words! Oh, and my writing, it's neat, and all my other teachers can read it, why can't you? Blind old man! My classmates can read it and it's not like it's super messy either! There's no crossing out or words on top of words, so why can't you read it, huh? Another thing he told me is that my English wasn't good! The nerve! I'll have you know that I got a 96 average in English! You speak with an accent for heaven's sake! And you say that my English is bad? His reasons are so stupid! OH, and you know what? When other students bug him about their marks, he'll gladly boost them up one or two percent, but for me? Oh nooooo, he drops my mark instead! It makes me so MAD! Argh!

But on the other hand, I did very well on my English exam with a 95, and on my French exam, I got a 98%. There we go, I feel better now.

Excuse me for ranting at you! I just needed to vent my anger. Thank you for taking the time and reading (which I assume you did if you're at this point). Bye bye now!
