also creator of:
heya guy's!!!!!!!!!!!i'm zero~chan, big sister neko ~meow~ this is a world for all my neko family members! ~meow~
now aside from the picture we need more than three neko family members!!!!~meow~ i don't want to have a lonely family! so if you want to be part of are loving family than pm me!!~meow~
you can chose you which family member you are but i would like to get to know you a little better before i let you into our family !~meow~
if you do want to be part of the family than their are three things!~meow~,1) their can be multiple brothers, sisters, aunts, uncles, ect. BUT! their can only be one mommy neko, one daddy neko, one grandma neko, and one grandpa neko!~meow~
,2) if you want to be a mommy neko, daddy neko, grandma neko, or grandpa neko than i need be friends with you and have good trust in you!!!~meow~
3)you can pick your own neko name that all the family members will know you as or you can stick with your username (but makeing up a new name is lot more fun!!)~meow~
i hope you have fun in our family!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!~meow~
the family members will be poted down here(the third name i the family name~meow~)
big sister = kandafan = zero~chan
lil sister = lulu727 = yuuki~chan
sister = lapaperninja = Natsumi-chan
big brother = naruto uzamaki12 = sora~kun
lil sister = Xxpicklejuice01xX = megumi~chan
lil sister = envythejealous = tsuki-chan
big sister = chiyoko yamamoto = lulu~chan
little sister = kandafan's actual little sister = yumi~chan
little sister = HelloKatty = Estellise~chan or Estelle~chan
aunt = CommanderBloo =makina~chan (or maki~chan)
sister = mikinekochan21 = michi~chan
big sister = forgottenangel1 = Tiger~Lily (or lil~chan)
big sister = BANGxCafe = Alanni~chan
middle sister = seiichilover12 = momoji~chan
lil sister = tykifan = mya~chan
lil sister = Animefan67 = Machi~chan