Well Then.....

yay......one more rant.......watever

ok its the people at the school i have problues with.....like at luche EVEYDAY!
some one has to Yell out ((CSONDER!)) or some crap like that or yell out OOOOOHHHHHHHHHHH and then the hole go's OOOOOOHHHHHH and im yellinf SHUT UPPPPPPPPPPPPP!

but i do got some good ponits......its the holadays

i always do love this time of yer.....more inpontly that i get a break form school....yah thats wat i love about it....

then there's wood shop.....

ok so i take a class called intor to teck the last few days i get to work in the other room wiche a wood shop kind of palse......this wond be very intering

