tag from mira-chan^^

Rule #1:
If you open this you take it.
Rule #2:
You are NOT ALLOWED to explain ANYTHING unless someone messages you and asks.
Rule #3:
Tag 10 people
Answer Yes or No.
Q: Kissed someone on your friends list in Facebook ?
Q: Been arrested ?
I hope not(even in the future..XD)
Q: Do you like someone?
yep yep^^
Q: Held a snake ?
o.o..theys creep me out
Q: Been suspended from school ?
imma good person..
Q: Sang karaoke ?
wish…though I do have SingStar(does that count)X3
Q: Done something you told yourself you wouldn't do ?
Q: Laughed until you started crying ?
a teensy bit I think
Q: Caught a snowflake on your tongue ?
Q: Kissed in the rain ?
no…id rather kiss a person.XD
Q: Sang in the shower ?
yeah..to practice..XD
Q: Sat on a roof top ?
not that I recall
Q: Been pushed into a pool with all your clothes on ?
no..but I have accidently fallen into a river..though not all the way in(with my clothes on..X3)
Q: Broken a bone ?
no but I do have a scar from when I sliced my pinky with glass.>.>
Q: Shaved your head ?
never ever will I do that
Q: Played a prank on someone ?
always.XD more like tap them on the shoulder and trick them
Q: Shot a gun ?
dun like to
Q: Donated Blood ?
no…maybe later in life..idk
Just be 100% truthful.
1. You hung out with ?
my friend Kaly^^
2. You texted ?
my dad(with someone elses phone)
3. You were in a car with ?
my dad and brother
4. Went to the movies with ?
my friend Kaly^^ and we saw You Again.XD
5. Person(s) you went to shop with ?
6. You talked on the phone ?
‘^^ hmm I don’t remember..it’d been a while since ive talked on the phone.
7. Made you laugh ?
some people in my choir class
8. You hugged ?
a person in my dreams.T.T
1. Sun or moon?
Moon(love it!:D)
2. Winter or Fall ?
Fall…I love the color of changing leaves^^
3. Left or Right ?
Right(me no good with left.XD)
4. Sunny or rainy ?
Both…sometimes id wish it’d rain or be sunny.
5. Where do you live ?
6. Club or pub ?
Club..i think.
7. Are there 1 or 2 people who you can always trust and rely on?
8. Do you want to get married ?
of course^^
9. Do you twirl your spaghetti or cut it ?
Twirly twirly twirl
10. What time is it ?
11. Are you afraid of commitment ?
12. What is your greatest hope / wish ?
I could see my bf..or live with him.>v<
13. Do you cook ?
yep^^ I just need to have the right stuff and im on the job.:D
14. Current mood ?
awesome! Or happy..XD
1. Kissed someone ?
2. Sang ?
Yep in ze choir!
3. Listened to music ?
yep…”This is Halloween” from A nightmare b4 x-mas
4. Danced?
5. Cried ?
6. Liked someone you can't have ?
always(well not always..just now)
1. Who was your first prom date ?
no one..T^T
2. Who was your first roommate ?
umm idk..’^^
3. What alcoholic beverage did you drink when you got drunk the first time ?
well I didt get drunk but I did have a couple Fuzzy Navals.XD
4. What was your first car ?
I needs one..:/
5. When did you go to your first funeral and viewing ?
ive never gone to one.
6. Who was your first grade teacher ?
Mrs. Barger..or something like that.’^^
7. Where did you go on your first ride on an airplane ?
idk..if I did it was to Georgia..where my brother was born.
8. When you snuck out of your house for the first time ?
never done that b4..
9. Who was your first Best Friend ?
Tayler Wellenstein
10. Who is your best friend ?
umm well id say Kaly..but I have a few friends that I have..though idk who is a best friend..
11. Who is the first person you call when you have a bad day ?
no one…yet..
12. Who's wedding were you in the first time you were a Bridesmaid or groomsmaid ?
My mom’s…she’s with another guy that’s why.:/
13. What's the first thing you did when you got up this morning ?
shoot the alarm clock and go back to sleep..XD JK I go dressed 4 skool.X3
14. First tattoo or piercing ?
Tattoo: want one..dun have any
Piercing: when I was younger(baby I suppose) but now i cant wear them..:/
15. First celebrity crush ?
Leonardo Di caprio >.>(ok I agree with mira) or Viggo Mortenson..X3
16. First crush ?
Lee Fleming from when I was in Lincoln(MT) from the 3rd grade..’^^
And I tag:
& CreamyTea

:D have fun!
