I don't know whats up with the title I just put it there. I had the greatest Christmas break ever! I got a new phone so I'm happy cause of that. I thank my mom for buying it for me. The G1 phone! I really like it. I get to listen to music on it and stuff. Well its like the Iphone, but that doesnt matter to me. I really needed a new phone anyways. My razor was dieing on me,but yea I THANK MY MOM FOR GETTING IT FOR ME!!! I love her so much for it. I'm just glad I have a mom like her.
Yea just smiled and be happy. Anyways I think thats all I have on my mind. Til I don't next time. I hope I pass algebra II though. I barely passed it last semester. Guess I got lucky. Hope luck is on my side this semester! [.kero-chan.]
I got power back today! I've been without power for 2 weeks but I'm more happy that I didn't lose my home. And I'm glad that I am finally talking to my boyfriend!!!!!!!! I missed him so much. Right now I'm watching a movie. I love it. Jackie-chan and Jet Li are awesome. The forbidden kingdom is such an awesome movie. Its really funny and it has action in it. Anyways back to where I was oh yea the hurricane. It wasn't what I was expecting. It did a lot of damage and I haven't been to school. I just started this Tuesday. I wonder what days we have to make up. I hope they won't cut out holidays in half. If they do I would be mad. I don't want my Christmas Vacation to cut in half. Anyways I think they have their reasons to do that.Til then.
...even closer. My mom and dad went to the store and everything was gone from bread to batteries. Luckily we got water. Gas is something we really need. I've been watching the news lately. And Ike is getting closer and closer every second. The waves in Galveston are getting big and going over the sea wall. People are still there watching the waves. The news people say its going to be a category 3 when it makes land fall. Its really scary if its going to be a category 3. I stayed during Rita though. When Rita was going to hit Houston. It did hit but we got nothing but high winds I think but, the winds were really loud. Now we're getting hit by Ike and it might rain a lot. We might not or will flood. I think my house won't flood because of where I live. I'm just worried for my Aunt because where she lives.
It floods where she lives. I've seen that neighborhood flood. Also around the middle school I went too. The neighborhood around there also floods. I won't try to worry about what might happen. The waves are getting higher and higher at Galveston. Every time I see the news the hurricane is getting closer and closer. Well I'll post more about whats going on with me. Til then.
I can't believe that my town is going to get hit by Hurricane Ike. I kind of worried because I'm not going to be evacuating. I've seen on the news what a hurricane can do on the news. All those people that lost their homes. Anyways I can't leave because of my pets that I'm taking care of. And I don't know if there is any hotel that will take animals in. Oh well I guess. Still I hope everything turns out ok for me and my lovable animals. My ankle hurts a lot. I fell and I twisted it really badly. I couldn't run for my gym class. I mean I could but not as much or else it starts hurting. I hate when a hurricane hits because everyone starts going crazy. Everything ran out. Gas ran out too and everyone needs that. This morning at the gas station there was a long line of cars waiting for gas and they were arguing. Wood also ran out at the hardware stores. A lot of people needed those too so they can board up their houses. Anyways I'll post anything if my power doesn't go out. Til then.
I took a test and the guy looks very hot too!