ARRAGH! my finger!
Never fear, I is here!
Who the hell are you?
Hospital man is the name, healing people is my game!
Shut the fuck up and put my thumb back on!
I will after you fill out this form and wait in waiting room 1.
Bite me! *slap*
Oww *begins filling in own form* Done. Hospital man, await!
You my friend, my are an idiot.
At least im going to get some medical attention. In 3 hours, but still!!!
OMG! emoticon!
so now im cool.
you were, but then you stopped putting emoticons...and im still missing a thumb. You are the worst superhero ever! Y U so gay?!
say sorry and ill fix your finger.
Fine, four fingers.
A thumb isnt a finger.
so? And it is. its still on your hand.
Oh thank you mr fancy i went to medical school and save the world with forms.HELP ME MORON!
I will, when you say sorry, and for your info, i dropped out.
Explains a lot.
you dont want your thumb back, do you?
im going to a hospital.
Noooo! not the hospital! those idiots are putting me out of buiness. the last time i saved something was in 2003!
let me get this straight dropped out if med school became super dumdum make people fill out forms before attending to them.
4. you are holding my thumb? give it back!
what if i gave you drugs that you're allergic to? you could sue me!
I will if you dont get my thumb reattached in the next 3 seconds!
Thats it! im dialing with my thumb..
How the hell?
still weird.
Can you do anything else? like cure cancer?
No. i just fix thumbs.
stupidest.power.ever. how did you know i lost my thumb?
you said you have superpowers.
shut up. you have a thumb. be happy.
i am. thanks.
my bill will come in 3 days.
your joking, right?
Hospital man, await!
As of this moment(the moment you are reading this post) I will no longer be blogging on this world. My offical blog has been moved to
I'm not deleting the neon universe, but there will no longer be any fresh posts.
Hello. For my own sake, I need people to know that I will stop putting up posts often. But I am not saying I will stop, so still visit. I have relised I will not blog with somebody looking over me, which happens a lot.
So with that out of the way...
My life is well, really really boring. I just want something to happen. But lots of things happened yesterday, but today I was going to do something but I was too lazy.
Yesterday, my school has a swimming carnival. I can't swim. Well. So, I stood around all day doing nothing exept waiting in line to get food. But it wasn't worth it. You see, when I got a coke and tried to open it, I sqished out all the air, making it flat. Plus it was way too cold for it and I had no jumper. Stupid thing was, I checked the weather the night before. Luckily my friend lended me her hoddie and she used a blanket to keep warm.
When I left, I thought all my friends were staying a bit so I left without them. then I saw them across the road and went to them, but I didn't know that we had to cross anyway. It was great, exept when we saw people taking the bus back. But that wasn't all. Behind us were two teachers. We didn't know that until the conversation died and we ended up listening to theirs, so I has to start taking about random things like 'potatoes' and those jerks who knock on your door and start talking to you about electricity.
Then we all split up and I went to pick my sis up from school.Then we went home and relax in front of the tele for a bit.
I love the weird and wacky situations I get stuck in.
(I got the idea from a post called you know you're obsessed with Naruto when...)
1. You like food
2. Everybody you know knows you like food
3. The thought of food makes you do weird things
4. You would (almost) do anything for a free, no strings attached all you can eat meal
5. I say food, you say where?
6. I say Naruto and you say ramen
7. You get upset if people waste food
8. You like cooking shows
9. You can/try to cook
10. You belive that food makes the world go around
11. The way to your heart is through your stomach
13. You suddenly get urges for food out of nowhere
14. You have dremt of what you will have for breakfast
15. On a weekend you only get up to eat
16. You drool when you see your favourite food
17. Anybody says mean things about your favourite food, you go crazy
18. You think about food in innapropriate places eg class or at your job
19. You own a cookbook
20. You can get very upset when hungry
21. You are hungry right now.
22. If you are not hungry right now, reading through the list had made you hungry.
23. You have a food related nickname
24. To you, weddings are great, but the cake is better
25. The worst thing anybody can say to is there is no dessert
26. Your happiest memories include food somehow
27. One of your nightmares is your food biting back
28. You are eating right now
29. You have a food related username
30. You have a food related password
31. You read through all the list
32. You agree with at least half of it
33. You can think of more to put on
Hello, just me. Well, its always just me. That's not the point. The point is that well, stuff in my life has got al little OTT (over the top) for me to handle. First of all i'm starting to think of things I never have and never should.
The second thing is peoeple just being total bitches because well, they can and just ruining my day. My friend told me some people do it becase they have self confidence issues. But that doesn't give them the right o be total jerks and stuffing up my day.
Third thing. Iv'e been having a few "family issues" and am at this moment thingking about running away. Maybe just crashing at a mates place for a few nights.
Last thing. My friend is leaving soon. Then in a few months i'm outta here as well. So ive been invited to a going away party and need to wear a dress and I don't own one or have the money for. (And no, I can't get a job yet.) I need that money for a new set of glasses unless I want a really ugly pair or to go blind.