Welcome to the Neon Universe, the home of random-ish things! I am NeonBubbles, but everybody just calls me neon, bubbles, NB or neobub. This world is a bit like my blog, where I can just tell the world about some of my life.
Here are some quick facts about me.
Name: Cynthia
Age: 14
Fav colour: Red
Fav food: Potatoes or pasta
Dream job: Just even getting a job would be nice.
Fears: The dark, anything that can hurt me and a certain orange fruit I am not going to name.
Can I draw? No.
Do you get the Friday feeling? I'ts a weird feeling made up of happiness, a sence of relaxation and your brain telling you that it's the weekend. I like knowing that the weekend is very near, and that I don't have to get up at 7:00 the next morning to get ready for school.( Even though I end up waking up at 7, but then I go back to sleep.) There was a while when I would forget that it was Friday, so I blamed it on imaginary purple hippos that are after me and my thoughts.
Yay! The library is open again! It's good because most lunchtimes I hang out here and post stuff on my world! Tomorrow is the day of my next birthday party! Theres going to be cake (I wuv cake) and theres going to be a pinata that everybody is going to wack the living something out of. I hope it is as fun as her last party. Everybody went on a late night walk. I went hypo and everybody played with glow sticks. It was a sleepover but my mum didn't let me go and I couldn't find where I put her number, so I apologised to her the next day I saw her and life went on. Something tells me the party will be fun! I love fun parties!
It was two days after the english test. I was late for the weekly year 8 assembly. when I was about to sit down the teacher tells my class to go sit near the back of the gym. After everyone had left to go to class,there was three teachers left behind, My homegroup teacher/maths teacher, my english teacher and the year 8 co-ordinator. We all got yet ANOTHER guilt talk basically saying that we maybe all could have failed but we were going to be given the chance to finish off the test. Somewhere in there was something about how having a zero on an english test isn't the best thing to have on a report especially when you are showing it to someone that might hire you isn't good. I was thinking to myself that I can't legally gat a job until December next year and that there was an ehco in the room. Then the teacher finaly stopped and I went to my first class of the day: Humanities. I noticed that my normal teacher was nowhere to be seen and someone told me that the replacement teacher was my normal english teacher and that we would use this class to finish it off. I sat down at my normal spot and tried to think happy thoughts....
Today was an not-so ordinary day. It was my friends 18th birthday. She had makeup on and threw a party at school. I didn't go because as much as I don't want to say it but... I couldn't find the entrance to the party. Then after giving up on going to the party (I really wanted to go) I sat around talked and played tic tac toe with honeypot877. She didn't want to go to the party because my and her other friend spread a rumor about her liking someone. She thought that her friend told the group of we hang out with. I actually told them (if you are reading this honeypot877 PLEASE don't kill me.) After being bored for a while we went off to look for my Other friends. They were in the chess club but we never thought of looking there. A while before this all took place, my drama teacher nearly broke a door after some guy in my class told her to get f#@!ed. Then out of nowhere the music teacher comes out and nearly kills the guy with a kind of verbal bashing only teachers can give. While this was all happening I wanted a pizza. Besides all that it was a normal day.
So today in English we had a test. Everybody seemed to be freaking out about it. (especially me) When we got the test, I was having a bit (when I say a bit I mean I skipped a whole page) of trouble. Everything was going fine, until the last 15 minutes of the test. My class barely knows the meaning of the word 'quiet' so some people started talking.(Even though it was a test) So the teacher told everyone to be quiet and took up all the tests! I WASN'T FINISHED YET!!! Then again nobody was. Then after telling another teacher about what has happened, our teacher gave us a sort of guilt trip/lecture on how maybe we won't get anymore time on the test, and if we do it will be at lunch!
Soon the bell to go home went, and behind me was the teacher and he said something along the lines of 'this class is horrible.' I wasn't the only one that heard him say it, honeypot877 heard him too. When honeypot877 heard it, she only turned around, but when I heard it I turned around and gave the teacher a kind of 'death glare/what did I do? look' after 5 seconds of silence he finally said, I wasn't talking about you. I gave out a huge sigh of relief and life went on.