And epic tale of.... epic- ness.

The Tale of Sir Abel du Sang

Far off in the land of Thelosia there lived a perfect-hearted knight with a youthful face and a halo of silvery white hair. He wore armor black as the deep lake, and yet it shone like the sun. Across the land he rode a fiery steed that answered only to him and did the good will of his lord and master King Matthias. This fair and virtuous knight was known as Abel du Sang.
The good people did love Sir Abel, as he protected them from the evil deeds of the foul king Saul in the neighboring land Reynosa. Saul was determined to have the land of Thelosia for his own, but thanks to Abel's bravery he had been thwarted time and again. Sir Abel had take leave of his Master's Court and was resting at his castle in the West of the land. It was a dark night, and the clouds in their heaviness had released their burdens of water and allowed them to splash to the ground in great torrents. Sir Abel had just sat down to sup when there came a tremendous knocking at the door. Sir Abel stood as one his servants ran to the door. The door heaved open and in fell a maiden, soaked to the bone. Her clothes were rich, her lips rouge, and her visage stunning. Strands of dark red hair stuck to her face.
"Good Sir! Noble Knight! Art thou the one who goes by the name Abel du Sang?"
"My lady, thou art correct in assuming so."
The maiden's face seemed to light up.
"God be praised, I hath found thee at last! Good Sir, I do require your audience. There is a most pressing matter for which I require your assistance sir!"
"Well, come my lady and we shall discuss this further," said Abel. He extended his arm for the lady to take. Her soaking clothes pressed against Sir Abel's light blue grey tunic, getting it wet as well. Her steps made squishing noises on the stone floor.
Sir Abel led the lady to his sitting room. As she sat in a large upholstered chair, Sir Abel called for one of the servants.
"Prepare the Lady a room. Find her some clothes." Sir Abel too sat. He looked at the maiden. "So," said he, resting his face upon his hand. "Tell me dear Maiden. Why have thou come here?"
"To seek out your help, Sir. You are the only who can…" The Lady shivered. Abel gestured at one of his servants who in turn brought her a richly embroidered blanket. The Lady wrapped it around herself. "I am betrothed to a man whom I cannot marry. He is a wicked hearted man: none other than the son of King Saul, Sir Cain fils de Saul. Sir, I implore thee. You must protect me from this fate! You must kill Sir Cain! If you do this for me, I will forever be thy loyal servant."
"That will not be necessary milady. Pray tell, what be thy name?"

"Lady Esther."

"Well then Lady Esther," Sir Abel said, standing. "I submit myself to thee." He knelt before her. "I shall protect thee with mine own life Lady Esther, that I swear to thee."

Sir Abel took Esther's hand and kissed it. She flushed as his lips touched the skin of her hand.

"Come," Sir Abel said. "You must rest. One of the servants will lead you to your chambers."

"Thank thee, most gracious Sir. I owest thou the greatest of debts." Esther curtsied and took her leave. Sir Abel sat back in his chair.

"So it has come to pass…" He sighed. A voice came out of the darkness in the corner.

"Indeed it has, Sir."

Sir Abel turned to see a small crouched figure in the shadows.

"Who art thou? Show thyself!"

A miniature man with a hooked nose and fuzzy white hair emerged from the shadows.

"Bartholomew at your service milord." The queer little man then gave a deep bow, so deep in fact that his nose nearly touched the ground. Quite suddenly, he hopped up and jabbed a finger at Sir Abel. "Bartholomew knows why thou art known as Abel du Sang, so do not attempt to conceal it from him!"

Sir Abel blinked.

"Excuse me?"

"Found as a mere babe in your dying mother's arms, your white hair soaked in her blood. Your dead mother's obvious nobility is the only reason thou were not barred from being a knight! But Bartholomew is willing to bet thou art not privy to the identity of thy father."

Sir Abel lifted the little man into the air by his tunic.

"Thou speak of nonsense and I tire of it. Why hath thy come?" Bartholomew's feet dangled in the air, but he laughed and the sound imitated that of tinkling bells.

"Nonsense? This is not nonsense Bartholomew speaks of! He knows! He was there! Thy father is King Saul!" Sir Abel dropped the little man.

"Liar!" he bellowed "That man stands for all which I detest. I cannot be his son!"

"But sir," said the odd creature, still laughing. "That does not change the fact that thou art his firstborn son. The crowd should be yours by right… but because of thy circumstances, thou must take if for thyself. Thou must go… challenge Sir Cain, so ye might take the crown, and the hand of his fair wife to be. Go Sir Abel. Thy mother willed it so!"

Bartholomew lat loose a vicious laugh and disappeared.

"Alright, be gone then specter! I would not with thy company upon any man!" Sir Abel shouted to the silent darkness. There was no reply. Sir Abel cursed the little thing and the news it had brought. A soothsayer had told him such before, but he had refused to believe it. Now it seemed he could not deny his fate.

The next morning Sir Abel awoke with the knowledge of his parentage heavy on his mind. He reached for the bloodstained locket which he always wore around his neck. It had been him mothers and she wore it the day she met her demise fleeing the land of Reynosa. It now contained a lock of his mother's hair, the only part of her being still existing on this earth.

It was in this state of troubled reflection Esther found Sir Abel when she walked into his room accidentally. Sir Abel sat up a little startled and bowed his head to her.

"Oh Sir! Forgive me and my foolishness! You are not decent… I shall leave at once."

"Do not fret thyself, I am decent enough," said Sir Abel, rousing himself from the four poster bed. He was indeed dressed in a plain white sleeping tunic made of coarsely woven fabric, nothing as fine as his usual dress, but neither indecent nor vulgar. Lady Esther, on the other hand, had already been dressed. She wore a beautiful dress made of rich brocades and lines and her hair was braided exquisitely. Now that it had dried, Sir Abel could see that her hair was a vibrant red color.

"Well my Lady, we shall leave at noon," said Sir Abel, taking her arm. He accompanied her to the main hall where they took their breakfast.

That afternoon, true to his word, Sir Abel had the horses loaded at noon. Of course there was Abel's black charger Nox, and for Esther was a beautiful chestnut horse by the name of Tres. Tres's saddle bags contained mostly food and a few items for Esther's comfort. Nox carried Sir Abel's armor and his bow as well as his sword and shield. It would be foolish to wear such items unless there was a threat of imminent danger.

Nox was a good strong steed, but he was rather high strung. Sir Abel was one of few able to control the beast. Generally the only ones who could were very highly skilled individuals. Sir Abel's stable master was a man such as this: Abel had hired him on the spot when he discovered his talent.

Sir Abel and Lady Esther departed not long after the horses had been loaded. Reynosa, and the court of the evil King and his son, lay ten days to the west of Sir Abel's castle. Sir Abel might have made it in eight if Esther had not accompanied him, but the Lady required a slower pace.

That night they mad camp at a wood. Sir Abel had managed to kill a rabbit and had made a stew of sorts over the fire. Lady Esther huddled close to the fire. She shivered slightly. Sir Abel looked up from sharpening his sword.

"Is milady cold?" he inquired.

"Do not trouble thyself sir," she said. "'Tis but a trifle" She shivered again however, betraying her true feelings.

"'Tis no trouble milady." He sat next to her, draping his cloak over her. "And 'tis no trifle."

They sat there in silence for a moment, listening to the crackling of the embers in the fire. Lady Esther looked up at her knight.

"Milord… your eyelashes."

"Pardon?" Sir Abel said. Lady Esther blushed.

"They're silver." Sir Abel laughed a bit hearing this.

"Indeed they are." He stared off into the distance a bit. "Indeed they are."

They traveled in much the same manner for the remaining days. They arrived at Reynosa under the cover of night. When they had arrived at the gate of King Saul's court, Sir Abel turned to Lady Esther.

"After we pass through the gate, conceal thyself in a place only thou do know of."

"But sir—" Lady Esther began to protest, but Sir Abel placed a hand over her mouth and brought a finger to his lips, quieting her.

"Lady, I cannot allow thee to put thyself in danger."

Esther frowned, but did not argue.

As they approached the gate, a guard stepped forward. Abel did not flinch, nor did he falter. He had already prepared for this.

"Halt!" said the guard. "What manner of man art thou, with hair that shines near as bright as the moon? What be thy business at this castle?"

"I am the escort of the Lady Esther," Abel proclaimed, his voice strong and clear. "The betrothed of Sir Cain. I seek to return her to this court."

The guard nodded and allowed them to pass. When they had pass the gat, they ducked into an alley way. Lady Esther dismounted and Abel did the same.

"Well… farewell Esther," Abel said. His voice had a touch of sadness in it. He started to turn away.

"Sir, wait!" Abel turned back to her. She reached into her bodice and produced a handkerchief. She tucked it into Abel's tunic at the neck. "Be safe sir. I shall await your return."

Esther took her leave, and as she disappeared around a corner, Abel took the handkerchief in his hand and smiled. Then he stated on his search for Sir Cain.

Cain was enjoying his evening exercises rather thoroughly that evening. The night was brisk and he enjoyed the whistling sound his sword made as it sliced through the air. He only wished he could feel the steel connect with flesh and relish the feeling of bones crunching and skin breaking beneath it. But then Cain though he heard something peculiar, something that did not fit in with the normal sounds of the night. Cain swung his sword around. There was a clang of metal on metal. Cain found himself face to face with a knight with pale skin and white hair that hung in his face. The knight's eyes were burning intensely, and yet his face seemed somewhat familiar and from his neck swung a locket that Cain felt he remembered from somewhere.

"Ah," said Sir Cain. "What is this? An assassin? Pray tell, what is thy purpose in attacking me here?"

"I am here in order to challenge thee for what should have been mine by birthright."

And then he swung his sword at Sir Cain a second time. They did battle for upwards of an hour. The knights were evenly matched in almost every aspect. Sweat poured from their brows. It was becoming evident however that Sir Abel had the upper hand. Cain slipped and Abel used the opportunity to run Cain through the stomach. Sir Cain stood there almost as if he were in shock. He coughed and blood seemed to bubble up from inside him. He spat it onto the ground.

"Who art thou?" Sir Cain's voice had hints of fear and disbelief along with pain.

"I am Abel. Sir Abel du Sang, Abel of the Blood. I am thy elder brother, and they enemy."

"Abel…" repeated Sir Cain, his voice weakening. "I was told I had a brother once… that the Thelosians had killed him and my mother. I…" Sir Cain coughed again. "Alas, thou have destroyed me it should seem." Sir Cain started to laugh, and it was a wicked laugh. However, Cain did not have the strength to carry on for much longer. It was not long before the laughter faded, as did his life.

Sir Abel removed the sword from the body of his foe and knelt to pray for the soul of the fallen knight, but was interrupted by King Saul's howls as he discovered Abel kneeling over his son's dead body.

"Who art thou? What hath thy done? Thou shalt pay for this, I swear it!"

Sir Abel looked up. A fine spray of blood had spattered his face and in the moonlight he looked both awesome and terrible.

"I know thy face…" said the King. That was when he noticed the locket, glinting in the dim light. All the color began to drain from him and he started to shake. "You're him."

Sir Abel lifted his sword to King Saul's throat.

"Kneel," said he, and the King obeyed. Abel smiled slightly. "Greetings, father." His voice was as chilling as a mountain river. King Saul whimpered.

"Thou shalt have whatever thou desire, I swear it," he said gulping.

"I want what is mine," said Sir Abel. It didn't take King Saul very long to comply.

And so it was thusly Sir Abel du Sang became King Abel de Reynosa and he did marry the lady Esther. They did rule most justly, and Abel was soon known as the goodliest King the country did know. But both legend and ballad shall never forget the bloody Knight, Sir Abel du Sang.
