meme-ing~ ('_')/

stolen from hifsa~ ♥♥♥

1: What would you name your future daughter?
once upon a time i was gonna name her 'jennelsa' because it's a combination of all my best friends' names... that was also gr.6. >,> the older i get, the less i want children.. o_o (i still love my friends tho..♥)

2: Do you miss anyone?
of course~ tho technology has helped shorten the distances.. :)

3: What if I told you that you were pretty?

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4: Ever been told “it’s not you, it’s me”?'s the other way around..? ^^;

5: What are you looking forward to in the next week?
end of my exams.. ಥ⌣ಥ then i start the mad rush to prep for cons~~ (⊙ヮ⊙)

6: Did you go out or stay in last night?
my bed is a safe place.

7: How late did you stay up last night?
crashed and burned at 11pm.. after working on 4hrs of sleep the night before..

8: Honestly, has anyone seen you in your underwear in the past 3 months?
i live with le boyfriend.. can't help that i enjoy prancing about in pj's and undies~ ♥

9: What were you doing at 12:30 this afternoon?

10: Have you ever told somebody you loved them and not actually meant it?
i lied every time i told an unknown cosplayer i love them... it was actually their costumes that i love.. ;_;

11: Could you go for the rest of your life without drinking alcohol?
at this point, i'm ruined for life. lllorz nothing like a chillax beer at the end of a stressful week~ :p and wine... =x=

12: Have you pretended to like someone?
i pretend to like my clients all the time.

13: Could you go the rest of your life without smoking a cigarette?
i smoke second hand... sometimes.. :/

14: Is there one person in your life that can always make you smile?
we have moments, but generally yes~ ♥ (props to all the cool moms!)

15: Is it hard for you to get over someone?
i get over things really fast... >_>

16: Think back five months ago, were you single?

17: Have you ever cried from being so mad?
somehow tears always come out when i get mad.. ;_;

18: Hold hands with anyone this week?
i bro-fisted my dishes. they were finally clean. now if only they'd take care of themselves like self-dependent adults.

19: Did your last kiss take place in/on a bed?

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20: Who did you last see in person?
le bf tucked me in :3 ♥

21: What is the last thing you said out loud?
"please turn off my lights for me i can't get out of bed now dyinggadsaf;kljasdfkljdff.....zzzzz."

22: Have you kissed three or more people in one night?
i like to kiss mah girlfriends on them cheeks~ they're all such precious things~~ *3* ♥♥♥

23: Have you ever been to Paris?
3 day ripped off trip organized by the youth organization i was there with for a conference.. :/ i went to paris, but i didn't see it. :<

24: Are you good at hiding your feelings?
depends on the who and when..

25: Do you use chap stick?

26: Who did you last share a bed with?
my totoros. they keep bad dreams away :3

27: Are you listening to music right now?
in my head. can't stop hearing maji 2000% ~(☆▽☆)~

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28: What is something you currently want right now?
ingenious mathematical aptitude

29: Were your last three kisses from the same person?
oui :3

30: How is your heart lately?

31: Do you wear the hood on your hoodie?

32: When was the last time a member of the opposite sex hugged you?
can't really say hug if he just sat on me as i passed out. >_>

33: What do people call you?
sandi. not my real name, but i've long since gotten over it. XD

34: Have you ever wanted to tell someone something but didn’t?
"sir, you're an asshole. please don't come back ever." says no customer rep ever.

35: Are there any stressful situations in your life?
wouldn't be life otherwise.

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36: What are you listening to right now?
silent chirping of an early morning

37: What is wrong with you right now?
amusing myself with this instead of studying >_> (happens too often lately..)

38: Love really is a beautiful thing huh?

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39: Do you make wishes at 11:11?
i was dead to the world by then.

40: What is on your wrists right now?
hair. follicles. hair follicles.

41: Are you single/taken/heartbroken/confused/waiting for the unexpected?
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42: Where did you get the shirt/sweatshirt you’re wearing?
hand-me-downs (⊙ヮ⊙) an older sister who enjoys sporadic shopping spree is a blessing to her younger sister.

43: Have you ever regretted kissing someone?
i may have regretted licking my dvd's to mark my territory once.

44: Have you hugged someone within the last week?
it helps release endorphins and reduces stress. ( ̄▽ ̄)

45: Have you kissed anyone in the last five days?
i kiss my totoros everyday. (´ε` )

46: What were you doing at midnight last night?
dreaming ;)

47: Do you miss the way things were six months ago?

48: Would you rather sleep with someone else or alone?
is there a monster under my bed?

49: Have you ever been to New York?
i indulge in cross-border shopping and feeding.

50: Think of the last person who said I love you, do you think they meant it?
pretty sure~ we wouldn't be living together otherwise.. XD


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ok 6am. time to start studying... ಥ⌣ಥ
