Here is where I keep all my internet I call it. This can vary greatly...from Comics, to nice pix, to just random posts about good sites and videos I may have found on my wanderings. Hope everyone enjoys! BUT REMEMBER...ONLY A PEEK! <3
- Created By Support KIRA
BATH TIME with the Spardas! X3
Awwwwwww kawaiiiiii.....
I LMAO at this one...oh Mikami...nice face pal.
Vergil the....BUNNY?!
Yep...they are so dead when he wakes up...^^;
Motivational Poster by Animeluvzu of Deviantart
Ah...look at him. Blowing things up...and yet still manages to get dinner on the table on time. XD
My friend just told me something very true.
I said...'Sebastian could kill with a dinner fork.'
And he responded..."Kira...Sebastian could kill with a PLASTIC dinner fork."
Victorian Era Naruto
This is really kewl! X3