Its been a week since any demon activity and the secret of the mysterious mark on Konkerou's back was revealed and Kagome and Konkerou haven't talked since the... embarrising moment between them. Konkerou usually sulked in his room and listened to music and Kagome did her usual chores and hung out with friends. One day.
"KAGOME!" Kagome's mom yelled up stairs.
"Yah?"Kagome asked.
"Theres some boy on the phone hesays hes in your class."Her mom said Kagome's mom handed Kagome and said.
"Hello?" Kagome asked into the phone.
"Hey Kagome,how yah doing?"
"Hojo?"Kagome asked.
"Yah, I haven't seen yah latly so I was if we could get together hang out a bit." Hojo said.
"Here?" She asked nervously looking up stairs Konkerou was walking down the stairs tail unfurled kinda wagging to the heavy beat of what ever Konkerou was listening to his ipod."
"If somethings going on there we could meet up some time else."Hojo said a little disapointed.
"No its just not here but some were else would be good." she said quickly.
"Great hows lunch? Tomorow." Hojo asked. I'll pick you up."
"Uh ok." Kagome said.
"Bye."They said and hung up.
Tomorrow... Kagome was rushing around the house trying to get ready Konkerou was still unaware of what was happening and just took his usual pace. watching Kagome run around like she was tring to find her head. The door bell rang and Kagome looked through the window it was Hojo.
"Just a sec!" she yelled as she ran to Konkerou she pulled his hair over his ears and her least favorite part stuffing Konkerou's tail into his pants.
"What the hell was that for!" Konkerou said pushing himselfcloser to the couch felling violated.
"There's a guy from school here and people from this time arn't used to demons!" she said angrily as she walked to the door.
"Hey Hojo." Kagome said as she opened the door.
"Hey Kagome."Hojo said "who's he?" Hojo asked as he glanced at the boy walking into the kitchen.
"Him he's... the kid of one of my moms friends there house was by the construction building that was attacked." Kagome said quickly.
"Oh sorry to here about your house." He said to Konkerou as he entered the living room. taking a bag of cheeto's and a con of coke to his room.
"My what?" Konkerou asked looking clueless.
"Don't mind him he likes to joke around." Kagome said rubbing the back of her head.
They arrived at a small dinner in town.
" How about these weird lights and attacks." Hojo said. "And did you hear there was a kid about sisteen or so running through pooring rain and jumping over speeding cars."
"Really?" Kagome said trying to act supprised.
A giant hole was in the roof over there table a giant millapid loamed over them four beady eyes staired at them.
"Hell slasher!" a voice echoed as 3 orange streaks hit it in its face.
Konkerou was on the roof his red demon slayer suit had a large black X on his chest a black belt full of kunni knives, throwing stars, his giant sword and a magnum pistol. seperated his long Red chest pice and black arms. from his red leggings. His long black cape his tail stiff and by his side his ears not moving his dirty blond hair flew from behind him. His face serious he took out 3 kunni knives were tucked in his knuckeles flung them out into its face.
"He looks like a true hero." Kagome whispered. Hojo I've got to go. She said running out the door she climbed the gutter up to him.
"Here Kagome he tossed her bow to her and he charged.
"DIE!" Konkerou said whipping out his sword. as he slashed its armored head.
He gra$bed its antenne and the beast tossed him around.
"KAGOME TAKE THE SHOT!" he said as th beast was leaning back.
*TWACK* the arrow shot right through the beasts arrmored plates strait to it heart.
"YES!" Kagome said happily. Konkerou jumped down and helped Kagome get down.
Hojo ran to them "You mean your cousins the guy who jumped over the cars, caused the lights and killed the bird?"
"He's not my cousin he's not even the kid of my moms friend if you could remember that he's a kind hearted, sweet, sensitive demon who's trying to find a way back to his own time.
"Wow." Hojo said
"We have to go know before the news team comes." Kagome said as she hopped on Konkerou's back.
"Hey Kagome." Konkerou said
"Yah?" Kagome asked.
"Do you relly think of me like that?" Konkerou asked.
"Well yah your a real sweet guy." Kagome said.
"Thanks."He said as he ran them home