Heal me~ by sasuki mimochi part one D:

A girl wearing a small blue kimono arrived at a house, her expression sad and unexpecting to who exactly she was going to meet. She reached up slowly, her hand shaking and pushes the door bell, and put her arm back down at her side. The door opened a bit and a boy appeared in the door. He had black hair that was white at the end, And he was wearing a robe with a half yin yang choker necklace with a white figure within black. His cat ears perked up a little and he blinked. A small welcoming smile spread across his lips.
"Hello. May i help you...?" He asked with a friendly presence. The girl stuttered, "H-hi...u-uhm are you paper?" She looked up to his sparkling hazel eyes. He nodded slightly suprised, "Yeah i'm paper, and you must be...?" Her cheeks turned a light shade of pink while fidgeting with the bag in her hands nervously, "U-uhm...i'm your...I'm Sasuki," She held out her hand, "Nice to meet you...b-brother." He raised one eyebrow and shook her trembling hand,
"Brother...you say?" He released her hand and scratches the back of his head. "I dont remember having a sister..." His ears twitched curiously. "I'm...your mothers daughter...she sent me here...I was told to live with you...because shes leaving for a long time..." She bit her lip as paper had been inspecting her this whole time. he sighed. "Can't be helped i guess," He opened the door, "Make yourself at home." She stepped inside and paper closed the door behind her and he was asking questions in his head, wondering exactly who his visitor was.
"Why did she come alone? Why doesnt she have many things? How come shes saying shes my sister? How come her mother isnt here?" He sat beside sasuki who had sat on the couch, and held his head frustrated. Her blue eyes looked up when he had sat down beside her. He smiled when he noticed this. "I like your hair, very cute." His voice was velvety and comfofting. "Thank y-you." She said playing with the end of her brown hair, a little blush on her cheeks. "Uhm...do you live alone?"
Paper scratched the back of his head, "I live with my boyfriend, Ichiro." Sasuki's cat ears twitched. "Boy-friend?" Paper nodded. "Hes asleep right now though, Do you want to meet him?" He asked. She nodded slightly. "Sure." They both got up and paper led her to a big room with a big bed. There was another boy in the bed, sprawled out over the bed covered in a dragon blanket, wearing a necklace just like papers, except it was the opposite colors. He was sleeping soundly and he had messy brown-blonde bed hair. He turned over on his stomache and moaned in his sleep makiing sasuki jump back and paper laugh. Paper went up to the boy and did soemthing to his ear which sasuki didnt see and he shot up awake.

(end of part one ^^")
