Hello there everyone! It
s xaos and this the world for my Street Fighter fanfic. However I'd also like to see one shot stories so if you have a story don't be afraid to ask to be ask to be a guest poster. Only rule is it has to have martial arts.
- Created By xaos
sorry if I hadn't been on too much. I've been working on the story really hard, I just started and I've got to say wow setting it up has to be the hardest thing. Man, I agree with what Red Kie said. Whew. See technically this would be my first fan fiction ever. I'm trying my best to make it have an impact of some kind. Wow, Ryo if you read this I already respected you but doing this... my respect for you has become more profound. Also if you can, can you please give me some tips on writing Ryo? (Of course anyone else who can as well, you're more than welcome) Anyway I should go abck to writing. *Continues writing*
Explaining the timeline
Well, hmm I don't really know what post type to put this in. Is essay good? Whatever let's continue.
This is an explanation of certain possible confusing points of my fanfiction. Namely the timeline. Well, even though it's a fanfiction I don't want any parts of the story coflicting with the canon, too much. Anyway it's a fanfic of course it's going to have some contrast with the main canon at least. Well, I think should start off by explaining the chronological order the Street Fighter games go in. Ready? Ok!
1)Street Fighter (the original one that came out in 1986)
2)Street Fighter Alpha series
3)Street Fighter 2
4)Street Fighter 4
5)Street Fighter 3
Confused? Yeah the upcoming Street Fighter 4 is between 2 and 3. Which is a relief to me becasue it doesn't hurt the fanfic. Still though I would've liked to see people like Dudley from 3 in 4.
So where does my fanfic fit in? Well it would be number 6 on that list since it's supposed to be much after all the games I wanted to have Ryu and Ken in it but as more mature wiser martial artists who are not active in fighting anymore and will train young martial artists who they deem worthy enough. Which is where the story kicks in. It focuses on two young martial artists one being trained Ryu and the other by Ken. A young male (who will be nameless for now) who is Ryu's pupil and a young female who is Ken's pupil. Through these two characters and Ken and Ryu I intend to explore the themes of the fanfic (I'm not going to spoil anything) and my thoughts and observations on what makes a true martial artists.
Well that is all for now thank you for reading it's much appreciated.