Just got back a couple days ago from Otakon 2012. It was my first time going and it was SOOOO much fun!
Mebbe, if i remember, I will link to the posts I plan to do about it. but NYA-A-A!! Loved it! 
I have been so focused on my life and learning Japanese and all, I totally neglected my Otaku account!
One of the things I am working on is improving my drawing ability. I am using a book call The Manga Artist's Workbook by Christopher Hart. I really need to get the full edition because while this is great, there is a lot of explanation missing that I am sure must be in the full copy.
This means that I will be eventually able to actually POST some fan art without feeling like I am drawing stick figures. 
In the meantime, You can prolly check out my progress on my deviantArt account if you are really interested. niaskywalk is the name and I would check the scraps were I you 
Just yesterday I picked up my copy of Vol 10 in the mindblowing series After School Nightmare. I haven't even finished the first chapter, but so many things are already happening I am getting dizzy! After the confusing turn of events in Vol 9, I have to say I am already on the way to being satisfied by this volume. I can't take the time to continue reading at the moment because I have to get back to work. I just wanted to take a moment to say:
WTF? What was that? OMG that is Really INTERESTING.... oh wow.. uh. hey! Um.. ??? !!!!
Heh, yeah, those were my thoughts as I turned each page so far. A new bit of random info each time. Oh, right. There was also mention of a new series by this mangaka called "Blackrose Alice". I think I want to get into that already, anyone read that yet?
Anyhow, off to work and can't wait to finish this book!
I just finished reading the end of the Black Sun Silver Moon manga series and I have to say it was a very interesting ride. I can see why it isn't as popular as other manga, but I do wish there was more fanart to find (ooh... must search more through ElvesAteMyRamen's art since she was the doujinshi winner who's fan story was published at the end. TOTALLY CUTE!! It had me cracking up :-)
Anyway, I wasn't sure where the story was going or how it was going to end, Tomo Maeda kept me guessing right up until the end... though... I am not sure how Grey was able to do what he did to save Taki and Shikimi...
It looks like the manga-ka won't be making more of the story, but there is soooo much left to explore. I want to know more about the hunters and what they were doing, I want to know more about Nightlings and how they were created and how they are trained when they survive the first five years.
Anyway, the lamest part, but silliest part was the explanation of why Laz thinks she's a guy. Hey, does Taki realise that Laz is falling in love with him? Nah. Taki is too dumb in that way.
Oh and Agi's response to Grey was sooooooo cute.
I am going to have to read the series from the beginning again now and see what I can pick apart from it now that I know the whole story 
I am enjoying myself immensely. Kingdom Hearts II started slow for me, but eventually I got past what I considered boring. The story has gotten more interesting and I want to be playing the game even when I am supposed to be working.
I still don't like the Gummi Ships. Is there anyone out there who can make understanding the mechanics more simple? It just gives me a headache every time I try to build a ship rather than using a blueprint/basic model *sigh*
My favorite world right now is the world of Nightmare Before Christmas, followed closely by Hades, which I think could be made a little cooler if you ask me. I am constantly surprised by the events in the game and I can't say exactly how far along I am. I know I am at about 41st level and the encounters I have not gotten to yet start at 39. I am confused though.. there are two locks to lock on ...er... the town were Merlin and the fighters are residing (not Twilight Town, the other one... right?)
I was also wondering if anyone has bothered using the stickers with the book. I haven't seen a real need to do something like that, since they are done in digital format anyway.... mebbe I will just annoy my little brother by taking all the stickers off the book and making an image on his bedroom door.... nah. Too immature for me.... I'll have my other brothers' charges do it when they visit on Thanksgiving