
I AM HERE, OTAKUITES. I am merely lurking in the shadows. A bit like Batman, really.

So after several weeks of work-by-day, revisions-by-night, I am actually going to try to relax a bit this week. (That's sort of a foreign word now. Relax! Hah! What on earth is that.) I am hoping to find something awesome to watch. Do you guys have any suggestions?

In the meantime, here are brief thoughts on the things I've been watching lately:

Tiger and Bunny: Started off so very entertaining, but then it sort of fell apart. Boo.

No. 6: Also entertaining, but man, this is how you DON'T do worldbuilding.

Natsume Yuujinchou: Still my happy place. <3

Castle: If they don't make out this season I am going to flip tables.

Bridesmaids: This movie was the most weirdly depressing comedy ever.

Doctor Who: I love this entire cast. I have yet to watch the two most recent episodes, though, so I better get on that.

Downton Abbey: "Oh hey, people keep recommending this. I'm not really into period dramas, though. I guess I'll just watch a little b-- (RIVETED)"

I hope everyone's doing well! <3
