It's 2012!

Happy New Year, my lovelies! 2011 is over, and so we move on to the next...

When I think back, a lot happened last year, but there are only a couple of things worth mentioning. There were definitely high points: I still can't believe I got to work with Secret Agent Man on the manuscript, the entire trip to San Diego was just amazing, and I got to meet some truly wonderful people this year. There were also some low points, though: due to a series of unfortunate events, I've had neck and shoulder problems since May and I have been in physical therapy since November. There was a bit of loss, as well, as my cat passed away in August. She was in our family for fifteen years, and her absence is still felt.

Most of the year, though, was either spent working at the day job or working on the book. I must be doing something right, because I'm not sick of this story yet. I'm working through my beta's line-edits and I'll be sending the new version to Secret Agent Man in a couple of weeks. I am really excited (and terrified) about the possibilities ahead, and I hope you'll stick around to see what happens!

I am also incredibly fortunate to have a job that keeps a roof over my head and food on my table, and I love my fellow admin staff so much my heart could burst. That said, I hope this is the year I get to make a change. I'm so grateful to the day job for giving me a chance and giving me so much valuable experience, but my position is so temporary: there's no real upward mobility for the admin staff, so people move on every two or three years most of the time. That, and it's just an incompatible atmosphere for me in general. I hope to find a new job that's more cultural or academically-related, where I have a bit more autonomy and get to work on projects I'm genuinely passionate about.

Ideally, my job switch will include a location switch, but I will have to assess what will work for me and where I can find work period. Even if I am lucky enough to move back to Boston, I will miss my familiar DC places and the friends I made there. It will be very bittersweet.

In any case, there's quite a lot that's uncertain: the book, my future job situation, everything like that. I can tell that it's going to be a year of great change. I can only hope that it will be a change for the better. And after all the hardships in the world last year, I can only wish it for everyone else, too.


1. To take care of myself, physically and mentally.

2. To be around more often. I was so busy this year, I didn't get to chat with you all as much as I would have liked. I'll get my ass on MSN more often!

3. I don't have many real resolutions this year, because a lot of my goals depend on luck. So I'll just hope that I will have the strength and perseverance to move forward to the places I want to go.

May I be sitting here in this house just like this, surrounded by my happy and healthy family, when 2013 rolls around.
