Good afternoon, y'all.

I haven't been making too many life updates lately! Well, it's summer, so I don't really have a life.

I really need to stop getting to sleep at 4:00AM. I mean, I go to bed earlier than that, but I inevitably will fall asleep sometime between 4:00 and 5:00. That will not be so conducive when I go back to school.

So this explosion of the Twilight fandom is totally fascinating to me, despite the fact that I dislike the books. But I have some friends who do enjoy it, and I've never seen such a quick turning of the fandom tides before. I mean, there was always some dissent in Harry Potter fandom, but the majority of the fans still loved the books. But here, so many fans are actively hating the book. It's just interesting to me.

As for fandoms in which I actually enjoy the content, a friend got me watching How I Met Your Mother. I'm not usually much of a sitcom person; sitcoms writers' bread and butter are humiliation and misunderstandings, both of which drive me crazy to watch. But even if HIMYM writers weren't so awesome and the characters weren't so hilarious, I would still watch for Neil Patrick Harris, who's basically playing the antithesis of his Dr. Horrible persona. (If anything, he's more of a corporate tool ala Captain Hammer!) I'm kind of developing a crush on him. Except he's gay. IT WOULD NEVER HAPPEN ANYWAY, I CAN STILL CRUSH ON HIM.

As for the new anime season, the only thing I'm watching is Natsume Yuujinchou, which I'm sure I'll ramble about sometime. I have such a big thing for put-upon medium characters.

And I watched the opening ceremonies last night. I have thoughts on the political angles just like everyone else, but that in no way negates how gorgeous those displays were. Everything came out absolutely beautiful, and the lighting of the torch was just... wow. The only things that took me out of the spectacle? The dumbass announcers. "OH WOW ISN'T CHINA JUST SO EXOTIC?!" x 5, ohmygod SHUT UP. Not to mention repeated shots of Bush looking bored stiff. I think Democrats and Republicans can agree that we should elect someone in November with a better poker face.

OKAY. I actually can't waste time today. I need to get some things done. Namely, I need to print out the recommendation forms for Tokyo and get them ready to send off to Sekino-sensei and Fraleigh. I need to get to work on my scholarship essay. And then I need to read through your prompt responses and send them their feedback. AND IF I HAVE EXTRA TIME, I can write. (I would do a prompt response, but my new chapter is about 2/3rds done. I'll do two prompt responses next week.)

And after all that, for dinner? I'm doing a variation on my risotto recipe. There will be salmon involved. It's going to be legendary.
