... and the world is conspiring to make it more difficult. But it should be okay, I'm working on it.
In less oh-my-god-I-want-to-punch-CitiBank news, I talked to some of my future study abroad classmates for the first time last night. Some of them seem like perfectly nice, friendly, motivated people. The others... well, the most extreme example of that group would be this guy:
"We should all get totally shitfaced the first night we're there."
"I'm gonna drink you girls under the table."
"Can't wait to go bar-hopping, lol."
"(Upon someone suggesting we should all go to Hokkaido) Totally, I'll get fucked up anywhere and everywhere."
"I am going to train my liver so that I don't get drunk."
"Brb, taking a few shots."
"I don't really know much about Japan, I hope I don't hate it."
Ahaha, wow. I have to wonder what he put on his personal statement. "My dream is to travel to new and exciting countries, and then get trashed in them." Way to fit the dumb American stereotype perfectly.
I mostly watched him carry on in a sort of "Haha, you do that, dude," kind of way, until he said, "I heard the dorms have a midnight curfew, so I'm going to live with a host family so I can party."
... that poor, poor family. I am cringing on their behalf.
And as far as I can tell, the opposite of that guy is this guy:
"No offense, but I only really want to make Japanese friends. I would be too tempted to speak English to other foreigners."
I... just... sure, dude, but it's not going to make you Asian by default. ;;
I am suddenly feeling more grateful for Melissa than ever. <3