... did my host father just tell me how I should get out more because I'm "always at the computer?" And was he really just like "Well our OTHER exchange students went out with their friends?"




.... *blinks* Did I not go to Okayama with them to entertain their relatives for hours on end? Did I not just go out to Tokyo Disney last week and then Melissa's house on Friday night? Is it really a bad thing that I don't go out partying after school, or that I joined a low-stress circle instead of a club that meets four times a week? I mean. He knows I'm a writer. He knows that this is where I work.

ashfjsk I'm not even offended, I know he's trying to be concerned and that these are his own preconceptions about what a college student should be. But what the hell, isn't it good that I'm not out getting in trouble?

Hahahahahhaashfjsk I'm so confused.

*makes new tag for when host family is being silly*
