You Are Enrolled At Nightlife Academy there will be a moderation in classes and extra classes will pop up on the notice board in the homeroom But otherwise
stick to your classes
Sincerly your principal
- Created By Skulduggery69
Lucy reaches the city and starts walking around.
Oh Him
the Twins look at Artemis "oh Him we understand if you like him more" the twins look away from eachother "we dont like him much, a necromancer killed our Mother and she was all we had" The twins Start to Cry
"i like you but i need some time to think... because... because I really like dusk too... im not sure why but i do" she flopped back once more
We dont want to rush you
*the Twins are shocked* "ummm Artemis" *the twins blush uncontrollably "We Dont want To rush you and we are sorry if it seems like that" The twins look away "Umm So You Like us?" the twins asked sounding confused
Dusk shrugs and walks back to campus